First update on the process

Hey Discover Point Church family!  Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for our church, our staff, and our elders.  August has been a busy but great month in the life of our church.  We are off to a great start with life groups, and it was awesome to witness people take their next step in baptism the other week.  In addition to all of this, we have seen an increase in first time guests.
With that being said, September is coming and promises to be just as great as August has been.  On September 8th, we will celebrate 14 years as a church, and we will begin a new series called “Better Together”.  We hope that you are making plans to join us on that Sunday for one of our regular services as well as our celebration at Brooks Lake at 2PM.  We are also starting our Next Level Impact course on leadership that day and have another Here Mission Project planned for the end of the month.  Again, exciting things coming in September that you do not want to miss!
I also want to take a moment and update you on our pastor search process. We have worked long nights, listened to wise council, prayed, and have tirelessly poured ourselves into this process in order to make sure we find the man God has for Discover Point. Below is where we are at in the process:

We are a church that looks to the Bible for clear guidelines in how we are led and govern ourselves. Christ is the ultimate authority in our church (Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:18), and there are also roles for the people who lead our congregation. We have prayed and sought counsel from experts and other church leaders, in order to develop qualifications for the Pastor. In the process of seeking this clarity, it became evident that the set of standards that we use to define our governance (our bylaws) needed to be modified from that of a founding Pastor. Consequently, we are in the process of making modifications to our bylaws to facilitate clarity in the hiring process of a Pastor and future staff, division of authority, and to maintain continuity as we move forward. We regard this process as crucial and are giving it serious attention. We have completed a portion and are proceeding to complete the task. Our next steps in the process are (1) complete the modification of the bylaws, (2) define a pastoral job description and (3) begin the search process. We will provide further updates as our progress advances. We are not rushing the process, but we recognize the urgency of filling this vacancy. We are unified in the direction that God is leading us, and we are excited to see what He has in store.

To summarize, there is a lot of work that has been done and a lot of work left to do. I encourage you to take some time this week to pray for our church as we continue to seek God in this process.  We want to hear from you, so if you have any questions, concerns, or encouragement, please email us at