Initial Update

Hey, Discover Point Family!  I am so thankful for you, and I am so excited about the future of our church.  With that being said, I wanted to post a quick note to let everyone know what is happening in regards to the future of Discover Point Church. On July 28, we met with our partners and supporters and detailed out the plan. We wanted to put a plan in place in order to keep us moving forward as a church and to keep us on mission: to connect people to their next step of life change in Christ.  Over the last couple of months and moving forward, we have diligently prayed for God’s guidance and will continue to seek His will in all decisions.  We know that He ultimately leads our church, and we are following His lead.  The following is where He has lead us so far:
  • The interim period- Teaching from stage:
We will have a four-person teaching team in place through the interim period. We will continue to have a series, but each speaker will take one week of that series. No speaker will speak on back to back weeks. The team includes Jeremy Ross, Bill Rodriguez, Monty Turner and David Collinsworth.  David will be leading this team.
  • Search for a Pastor:
We feel that this is one of the most important decisions that will be made, and we do not want to rush the process and make hasty decisions.  We have been praying and seeking God’s direction in this area, and we will have a plan in place by the end of August in regards to how we plan to seek our next Pastor.
  • Communication:
We feel it is very important to keep everyone up to date and informed as this process goes on. We will be communicating through our app which can be found on IOS and Android. We plan to post two to three times a month. Also, if you would like to ask us a question about anything, you can email us at

Download our app on the apple app store HERE
Download our app in the google play store HERE