The Best Sermon Ever - Week 5
Matthew 7:21-29
Vs. 21“Lord, Lord” Just because we know his name doesn’t mean we truly have a relationship with him.
“Who actually do the will of my father” There is a big difference between knowing and doing. What you do vs what you believe
Vs. 22“We prophesied…cast out demons…performed miracles” All in the name of Jesus, but you heart was far from him. It wasn’t for him it was for you. It more than being a “good” person. James 1:22-25
Vs. 23“I never knew you” You are not one of mine, you only claimed me when it was convenient for you, or when you thought it would make you look better.
Vs. 24“hears…and acts on them” Pay attention to what is being said but it doesn’t end there. You have to put the words into actions.
“wise man” What does the wise man do? He builds his house on the ROCK
Vs. 25“rain…floods…wind” The storms will come in all shapes and sizes
“yet it did not fall” The storms threw everything they had at it but it did not fall. Why? It had been founded on the ROCK!!!
Vs. 26“hears…and does NOT act on them” If you hear but don’t act you are FOOLISH. Who builds their house on the sand? Many of you in this room…
Vs 27“rain…floods…wind” The Storms will come no matter what you build your foundation on. So, you better be ready
“great was its fall” Why did it fall? What was the difference in the two houses?
Living on a weak foundation isn’t always by choice, sometimes it because you never talk the time to stop and think about it. Its not out of stubbornness but out of thoughtlessness. We as believers need to help others see where their life is going
Vs.28“crowds were amazed” No one had ever talked to them this way.
Vs. 29“real authority” When you are really about it, people see that. They recognized the authority in which Jesus spoke.
What is your foundation built on?
The real test is when the storms come, that shows who are really are. Look at what we are going through right now What do you base your peace on?
If it’s not Jesus the storms will wash it away. Can you have peace in life if you have a house build on the sand?
No because you live in constant worry about the storms to come and they WILL come. Jesus doesn’t just give us peace, He is peace
When we trust Jesus, obey his commands, and live out the life he has called us to live no matter what comes our way, we can stand on the rock.
And that is why this is the BEST.SERMON.EVER!!!