In 2 Corinthians 9, The Apostle Paul encouraged believers to help meet the needs of the Macedonian Church bu giving financially. He illustrates their financial gift as one who is “sowing a seed” that will produce a harvest of righteousness. The THRIVE SOWING CAMPAIGN is about sowing a seed financially to help meet our current need as a church, so that we can be prepared for the harvest and continue to reach people for Jesus!

Check out this video by Pastor David explaining the "WHY" behind the campaign

What Is The Campaign For?

The goal is to raise 500k too improve:

Phase 1- Facility Upgrades-100K
New Security System including cameras in all kids rooms 10k
New lobby and outdoor speakers 2k
Roof Repairs 2k
Patch parking lot holes 2k

Phase 2- Kids and student center upgrades

Complete upgrade of outdated kids area including carpet, painting and overall redesign $150k

Phase 3- Online campus / Auditorium audio visual upgrade
Upgrade broadcast equipment 43k
Video recording upgrade 5k
Auditorium projection system 3.5k
Auditorium speaker upgrade 14k
Auditorium lighting upgrade 16k
Video wall 56k

Phase 4 additional facility upgrades
Upgrade overall electrical systems 50k
Replace carpet where needed 10k
General facility repairs 34k

How Do I Give To The Campaign?

You can give by using the form below
Please choose "Thrive Giving Campaign" as the fund.
You can also give in-person on Sunday mornings or by mailing your contribution to PO Box 80983 Conyers GA 30013. Please note on the contribution that it is for the "Thrive Sowing Campaign".