by Stephen Arterburn
We live in a world awash with sensual images 24/7. The exponential growth of pornography and internet infidelity has men locked in a battle of spiritual warfare against these temptations, often drowning in addiction, defeat, and shame.
 But you can be victorious in the battle for sexual integrity. Every Man’s Battle reveals a detailed strategy that has helped millions of men win the war against temptation.
byStephen Arterburn
Every Young Man’s Battle shows you how to rise above today's debased, self-seeking culture by examining God's standard, training your eyes and mind, cleaning up your thought life, and developing a plan. With extensive updates for a new generation of men, this is the award-winning guide to practical resistance. Bottom line: these strategies are biblical and they have worked for millions of men.
by Shannon Ethridge
When does an affair begin? Not with the first forbidden touch…but with the first forbidden thought. Unexpectedly, you find yourself enjoying a powerful emotional bond with another man. You feel like you matter to someone again. And the door you thought was locked so firmly–the door to sexual infidelity–is suddenly ajar.
by Shannon Ethridge
The world you live in promotes sex as the answer to just about everything. The pressure to go along with the crowd is greater than ever before, and it's easy to compromise in little ways that are a lot more harmful than they seem. You and your friends may become caught up in destructive relationships or sexual activities without even knowing how you got there. You just want to be normal–to fit in, to be liked, to look attractive to the opposite sex. But are you paying too high a price?


Covenant Eyes Is About Restoring Human Connection, To Help You Live A Life Of Freedom. Covenant Eyes Is Designed To Help You & Your Loved Ones Live Free From Pornography. Web Content Filtering. Accountability Software. Unlimited Installations.

Men's 21-Day Porn Detox: Join Matt Fradd and a community of brothers in discovering the keys to living porn-free. Experience powerful videos and challenges delivered daily to help you break free from pornography for good. exists to provide women with help, hope, and healing from pornography and sexual addiction through safe, confidential online community and access to unique recovery resources

RESOURCES For Families 

Parents, if you have a teenager that is struggling with pornography, here is a great article from Focus on the Family that provides and information and resources to help your teenager find freedom.

As a busy parent, reading every text message, post, and email just isn’t realistic. Instead, Bark was created by parents, for parents to offer a better, easier, and more effective way to keep children safe online.

VidAngel is an American streaming video company that allows the user to skip what may be considered distasteful content based on user preferences regarding profanity, nudity, sexual situations, and graphic violence.