Auditorium Greeters
Auditorium greeters play a vital role in assuring that our guest's experience continues all the way from the parking lot to their seats. There are two major areas for auditorium greeters. First are the greeters at the auditorium doors, who are responsible for getting each guest a connection card. The bar code on the connection card is the link to everything they need as a guest at Discover Point. It gives them the ability to fill out a first time guest survey, ask for prayer, learn about groups, sermon notes and even tithing. The second area for auditorium greeters is in the seats. You have the greatest ability to speak and get to know our guests. Take the time to ask where they are from, about their families, and where they work. You make our guests feel connected and welcomed!
Opening Checklist
Be in the Auditorium or at the Auditorium doors 15 minutes prior to service
Check area around the connection card desk for any trash and dispose of it as needed
Make sure rest rooms have paper towels available
Walk the auditorium and throw away any trash or cups that may have been left at the seats
Once the service starts, shut the doors on the left and place up signs on both sides of the doors to use the other doors. (These doors allow light from the lobby to affect people on the stage
End of Service Checklist
Thank each guest for coming and invite them back next week. (Thanks for coming, hope to see you next Sunday!)
After all of the guests have left, walk the auditorium and dispose of any trash.
If any personal items are left, bring them to Guest Central